For many people, having a bigger butt can help them feel more confident and attractive. Unfortunately, achieving this goal isn’t always easy or fast. Thankfully, there are some simple and natural ways to help you reach your desired butt size.
Eating certain foods can help you grow a bigger butt naturally and sustainably. From healthy proteins to complex carbohydrates, these 10 foods are the perfect addition to your diet if you’re looking to up your booty gains.
Eating the right combinations of these foods will provide your body with the right nutrients to help you get the butt you’ve always wanted.
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1. Eggs
Eggs are very nutritional foods that are rich in selenium, vitamin B12, riboflavin, and phosphorus.
Eggs contain B vitamins, which can aid your body in converting food into energy.
Leucine, an amino acid that is commonly found in eggs, has also been shown to promote muscle synthesis and decrease muscle protein breakdown. You may benefit from this especially if you want to grow bigger buttocks naturally.
2. Chicken breast
One of the best foods you can eat for muscle synthesis and growth is chicken breast. It has 24 grams of protein in a 3-ounce serving. Particularly, chicken breast is a lean protein that has significantly less cholesterol than, say, red meat.
It also contains crucial B vitamins, like eggs, that give your body energy so you can get the most out of each workout.
There are numerous ways to prepare and incorporate chicken breast into your diet.
3. Spinach
Leafy green vegetables like spinach, amaranth, and kale will not just help you gain a big booty, but they will also help with your entire body’s well-being.
A wealth of vitamins and minerals can be found in spinach. Iron and anti-inflammatory minerals are both abundant in spinach. The antioxidants lower cholesterol and blood lipid levels, prevent chronic diseases, and scavenge harmful reactive oxygen species.
Additionally, this leafy green is high in monounsaturated fats, which will increase the size of your buttocks without increasing your cholesterol and help in the maintenance of a healthy weight.
READ THIS NEXT? There are numerous ways to prepare leafy greens like Amaranth into your diet.
4. Brown rice
Can you grow a bigger butt by eating brown rice or white rice? That depends.
Both can assist you in losing weight around your midsection without reducing your gains in other areas, such as your booty. Compared to white rice, brown rice has more dietary fibre and causes fewer blood sugar spikes.
Brown rice may be the best option if you want to reduce a few pounds while also adding lean muscle.
5. Fish

Fish is a fantastic source of protein, especially for vegetarians making the switch. Salmon, tilapia, and tuna are a few of the most well-liked types.
Fish contains omega-3 fatty acids, which are known as healthy fats, making it one of the best foods to help you grow a bigger butt.
In addition to helping prevent heart disease, these healthy fats remove unhealthy fat from your arteries.
In order to get bigger buttocks, you must eat more calories. As a result of its high-calorie content and high nutritional value, eating fish will be one of the best options.
Thus, eating fish will definitely help you consume more calories while also giving your body healthy fats.
6. Greek yoghurt
One of the most effective foods to increase grow a bigger butt is Greek yoghurt. Greek yoghurt has at least 16 grams more saturated fat per serving than regular yoghurt. To be precise, 11 grams more than regular yoghurt.
Greek yoghurt, like other dairy products, has both slow- and fast-digesting protein, which can help muscles grow and enlarge your glutes.
One study found that Greek yoghurt consumption during a 12-week training program enhanced muscle thickness, strength, and body composition more than a placebo for its 30 participants.
7. Nuts
Another great source of protein and healthy fats are nuts. A half cup of nuts has about 13g of protein.
There are many different varieties of nuts, each with unique uses. For those who count calories, the best nuts are pistachios, cashews, and almonds. While walnuts are the best nut for the heart, peanuts are brain boosters.
They can help you grow a bigger Butt because they are high in protein.
8. Meat

You need a sufficient amount of protein in your diet in order to grow a bigger butt.
Steak is a very potent protein source that will unquestionably increase the size of your glutes.
They also consist of iron, minerals, potassium, phosphorus, and vitamins B3 and B12.
To get a perfectly shaped booty, eat a steak for dinner after your rigorous booty workout to provide it with powerful protein.
9. Potatoes
Potatoes are a fantastic source of energy because they are high in carbohydrates but low in calories.
A 78-gram serving of potatoes contains 15.7 grams of carbohydrates and only 67.9 calories.
Potatoes may also aid in maintaining and gaining muscle.
Many supermodels eat potatoes because they are also effective at burning belly fat.
When consuming nutritious, calorie-dense foods like Potatoes, you can grow a bigger butt by performing the proper butt exercises.
10. Avocados
Avocados are fantastic if you want to grow your backside and a bigger bum because they contain monounsaturated fatty acids, fibre, vitamins, and potassium that can help lower bodily inflammation and the stress and strain your body may experience when trying to build muscle.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)
Can junk food increase my butt size?
Yes, as you will likely gain weight, which may not be the outcome you are seeking. If you want to grow a bigger butt and a smaller waist, stay away from junk food.
Why isn’t the size of my butt increasing?
Numerous factors could be to blame, including genes, hormones, not following the plan, not working your buttocks enough, and others. Still, keep your cool. It may occasionally take you longer than someone else to grow ba bigger but fast.
There is no need to undergo surgery to grow bigger buttocks when there are natural alternatives that are easily accessible. Include these foods in your diet to increase the lean muscle mass in your butts. They will also make your butts appear larger. Exercise is essential for shaping your butt.