There are loads of different methods you can decide on when making dreadlocks. Some of these methods work on all kinds of hair types and others work best with particular hair types like the twisting method works best on African hair and the twist and rip method works best for Caucasian and Asian hair types.
I will attempt to give you as much information as possible about each method of creating dreadlocks as well as the advantages and disadvantages of each so you can decide which best is right for you.
READ THIS NEXT: Facts and Myths about Dreadlocks
1. Natural Method / Neglect /Freeforming Method
This method of making dreadlocks requires throwing away the brush, and conditioner and refraining from combing and cutting your hair. Nothing special is required. You can still shampoo and wash them. Minimal maintenance is required with this method but the downside is that they take a very long time to look like dreads.
- Slightly less control over the outcome
- The dreads are not “perfect”. ( Tips are not always blunt, some grow spirals, or are flat etc.)
- Take a very long time to look like dreads( 2-3 years)
2. Twist and Rip
The Twist and rip method involves pulling and sectioning your hair apart to knot up. The method works best with Caucasian and Asian hair(Non-African hair).
This involves first sectioning the hair according to the size and quantity of dreadlocks you want. Then each section is twisted, then the section is separated into two and is pulled in different directions, pushing the hair upward the roots creating knots. This process is repeated down the length of the section until a dread is created.
- You have more control over the outcome of your dreads.
- The Dreads are well-formed and look neat.
- They are generally less damaging.
- Only Easier to do on thinner hair. Hard to do on large hair.
- Require lots of hours of work.
3. Backcombing
This is the most popular and easiest dreading method. The method is accomplished by repeatedly and aggressively combing the hair backwards towards the scalp in quick short strokes forcing the hair to knot near the roots.
The method is very aggressive and painful and causes lots of damage to your hair. I would recommend a less damaging method like Twist and Rip.
- Hair will look like dreads the same day
- Allows more control of your dreads.
- Causes lots of damage to hair than other methods generally.
- Require lots of hours of work than other methods generally
4. Twisting
This method is best for African type hair and is not recommended for Caucasian or Asian Hairstyles. It is an easy method that involves simply taking a lock and twisting it into a section.
- It is all-natural.
- Easy to do.
- Less damage to hair unless overdone.
- Dreads can be created with extremely short hair.
- If overdone leads to hair damage and loss.
- More prone to unravelling than other methods.
- Not suitable for Caucasian or Asian hairstyles
5. Felting
Felting is one of the most damaging dreading methods. It requires a very shape needle covered with barbs to mangle the hair into a mass forming a “dread”.
- Dreads look mature in no time.
- Lots of Damage to your hair.
6. Crocheting
The crothechting method has become popular of late. It involves using a .6mm or smaller crochet hook to knot mildly backcombed hair. It takes a little longer than backcombing.
- Dreads look neat and mature in no time.
- Dreads look neat and mature in no time.
7. Palm rolling
This method is done by taking a lock of hair and rolling the hair between your palms.
- Easy to do.
- Can cause damage if overdone.
8. Root / Tip Rubbing
This method is a method of dreading hair from the root. The rubbing helps create friction to create knotting, which is then formed into new dreads.
- Can help create blunted tips
- Can cause damage to your hair.