So, Independence!
Just an eleven letter word with a lot of depth, which doesn’t occur to people most of the times.
In our salad days, we as humans face independence at a greater or smaller extent.
Which brings me to Uganda’s way to independence.
It all started with a grievous wake of missionaries coming to Uganda in 1875,which obviously lead to British colonization
Now, at first Africans were flabbergasted and buffed by this, considering the different developments trade, literacy, local chiefs given power among others however the gravitation’s of colonization also had a wide drawback for Africans, the local chiefs were reduced to being puppet rulers mostly this and other differing reasons made Ugandan’s become restive!!! They longed for accession.
Determined to be independent….
Hence, the wind of change in the 1960s, Uganda got independence from Britain in 1962.
“could colonization be the reason as to why Ugandan leaders wanted absolute power from the word go?!”
From this quick reference :
Milton Obote : who gladly suspended the constitution and assumed all government power, not forgetting Idi Amin who in 1971 ousted Obote’s regime with a military coup and took over power!
Well, looking back at all that from colonization to where we are now, i liken it to the life stages of a child, we crawled, walked made a few mistakes here and there but we have kept our independence…
Truth be told, Uganda has several foreign ties howbeit i have seen us say no to several western cultures.
Question is are you independent as an individual…?