Add flour, carrots, red onions, and 3 tablespoons of oil to a large bowl. Make dough by combining the ingredients and gradually adding water. Knead the dough for 10 minutes, or until your hands no longer stick to it. It's the kneading that's key to making chapatis that are incredibly soft.
Make equal portions of dough, about the size of a golf ball. Roll the balls gently between your palms until they are smooth and free of cracks. When finished, lightly brush each piece of dough with oil and sprinkle flour on top.
Flour the table surface where you will be rolling out the chapattis. Roll out the dough into 5-inch wide round flat circles with your rolling pin. As you roll, flip the dough and add flour if it sticks to the table surface or the rolling pin.
Heat one tablespoon of oil in a pan over medium heat. Place the rolled-out chapati on it to cook. Stretch the chapati (with your hands) to the width of the pan, making it as thin as possible. Turn the chapati while gently pressing down on it with a spatula or an empty flour bag.
When you start to notice raised bumps on the Chapati's surface, it's time for its first flip. Turn it over to the other side with a spatula. When both sides seem to be a golden or brownish colour, remove them from the pan.